Friday, August 20, 2010

9 Best Kept Hair Secrets

From Their top best kept hair secrets

Follow these suggestions and your hair will thank you!

1. Boost thin hair with silicone: It coats strands with a thin film that keeps hair looking full but not greasy.

2. Eat fish and nuts: The omega-3 in these proteins help build and maintain a healthy scalp and strong hair

3. Shower before you swim: Hair that is already wet will retain the least amount of chlorine and other harmful chemicals

4. Keep brushes away from curls: Gently use a pick or wide-toothed comb to brush curly hair, which better prevents the strands from breaking or frizzing

5. Take a time out from styling: It is always a good idea to take a day off from all of the tugging, brushing, styling, drying, and the various other ways in which hair can be damaged on a regular basis. So occasionally try to allow the strands to breathe and fall into their natural style

6. Avoid extreme color changes: When coloring your hair, it is best to stay within 3 shades of your natural hair color to prevent the least amount of damage to the hair during this process

7. Brush less to limit hair loss

8. Use gentle color to cover grays: Because hair is weaker as it has matured and become gray, it is important to be gentle with it when considering coloring

9. Protect hair from the sun: Investing in a sun-protectant product (or even just using a small amount of sunscreen) on your hair before going outdoors can do wonders for your strands.. especially colored hair